Mission Statement
- The University Hospital Vienna and its mandate
- Research and teaching for the good of the patient
- Top medicine and top health care facilities
- Cost-effective action
- Me and my job
- Healthy working environment
- The human dimension of the University Hospital Vienna
- To better understanding
- Training, development and post-qualification
- Quality claims at the University Hospital Vienna
The human dimension of the University Hospital Vienna
Each one of us is part of the University Hospital Vienna and is aware of this responsibility.
We consider ourselves to be qualified, creative and responsible persons.
The fundamental principles of our cooperation are appreciation, trust, tolerance, respect and loyalty.
All our activities are focused on the human dimension.
This means that:
- I consider you as an equal partner and trust you.
- I respect your dignity and individuality.
- I perceive you in your entirety and respect you regardless of age, sex, origin, culture group or religion.
- For me, loyalty ends at the encroachment of ethical or legal limits.